Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Feb 14, Alberta bound

On Feb 14th I took a trip up to Alberta for a ski weekend with Tim. Got to Jasper late afternoon on Friday hoping to get a few runs in , but the skill hill is closed at 4pm, no nite sking. The mountains are spectacular.  Up in good time Saturday morning, big breakfast at the hotel & on the hill by 10am . It began to snow lightly and the temperature was near zero celsius. As the day wore on we received near 6cm of new snow on the hill making the conditions perfect, lots of powder.  The sking was great and only one fall on the last run, soft landing due to new snow. Tim is  very good on skis and he followed his Dad down all the way , making sure  he got there in one piece. We had a good time. Back at the hotel by 4:30 for beer and pizza and hot tub at the end of the day. Enough snow fell to make driving back to hotel tricky.  On the way back to Edmonton on Sunday we saw two large herd of elk on the side of the road, very common and one huge coyote, looked like a wolf.  Left Edmonton for Phoenix on Monday and arrived to temperature of 20 celsius, what a difference.

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